Dawn Gallop and her husband were homesteading before they even knew “homesteading” was a term – they were just doing what they needed to survive.

They’ve managed a 30-acre farm complete with goats, bees, chickens, quail, and more, and recently moved to a new farm.

They’re also the creators of a popular YouTube channel called Dawn Gallop of #9 Farms, where they put out a ton of information and resources for anyone looking to build their own homestead.

Tune in to explore:

  • The use of pigs, chickens, and goats to clear areas of weeds and till soil
  • How goats express that they’re fertile and ready to mate
  • What to know about raising and keeping chickens
  • The difference between hay and straw – and which one can be toxic

Interested in learning more? Check out https://www.youtube.com/@dawngallop/featured.

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3bO8R6q

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