“Sometimes we’re too close to our problems to actually see them,” says Ole Kristian Sivertsen.

That realization came to him by virtue of his time in the satellite industry, when he routinely observed Earth from space. It inspired Sivertsen to consider how he could make a difference on this planet, which in turn, led him to focus on restoring hope and healing through the mitigation of desertification, soil degradation, and water scarcity around the world.

Press play to discover:

  • How to transform dry, degraded land into nutrient and water-rich soil ready for farming
  • What unique aspect of Desert Control technology makes their product easy to scale and deploy while requiring up to 50% less water and fertilizer
  • Less than 15% of the water applied to crops is retained in the topsoil for the plants to use – where does the rest go, and what does this lead to?

Sivertsen is President and Group CEO of Desert Control, a company whose innovation involves liquifying natural materials, minerals, and clay structures into a substance that’s nearly as thin as water. This substance can be applied to sandy, degraded land, resulting in nutrition-rich and hydrated farming soil.

Since it percolates into the ground by the force of gravity alone, there’s no need to remove existing vegetation — and this is just one of several exciting benefits which just might propel us toward a greener future.

Interested in learning more? Tune in and visit https://www.desertcontrol.com/.

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3bO8R6q

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