In this episode, we discuss all things microgreens with Donny Greens. Donny is the founder of Finest Foods, a New York-based company that provides microgreens to its community.

Donny is committed to improving society’s approach to health and sustainability. He accomplishes this mission not only with Finest Foods, but also with his Youtube channel. On this platform, Donny teaches others how to grow their own microgreens businesses with insightful tips, tricks, and advice to help them succeed.

Join us now to learn more about:

  • What microgreens are, and why they are so beneficial to our bodies.
  • The growing methods that Donny utilizes.
  • Donny’s approach to streamlining microgreens businesses around the world.

Whether you are thinking about starting a microgreens business or are simply looking into cultivating your own crops, this podcast is sure to provide you with valuable insight!

To find out more about Donny Greens and his work, click here now.

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:

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